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Job: Assistant Professorship in Black Studies in Geography and Environment

Environmental and Urban Change, York University, Canada

The Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (EUC), York University, invites highly qualified candidates to apply for a professorial stream tenure-track appointment in Black Studies in Geography and Environment at the Assistant Professor level, to commence July 1, 2021.


A PhD in a related field (or a PhD near completion; must be completed by the start of the appointment) is required, with a demonstrated record of excellence or promise of excellence in scholarly research and in teaching. Applicants should have a clearly articulated program of research. We are seeking candidates who work at the intersection of (i) critical race theory, environmental justice, Black ecologies, or Black studies in diaspora and transnational migration; and (ii) the arts, environmental ethics, ecology, urban studies, global political ecologies, or environmental management. A demonstrated research and teaching specialization in the interrelationships between race, class, gender, geography, and the environment, broadly defined, would be an asset.


Lisa Dennis
Secretary, Black Studies in Geography and Environment Hiring Committee
Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
Email: EUCHires@YorkU.ca

Application Deadline: 7 January 2021