/ Forschung, Doktorat
Job: PhD position in Social Anthropology (100%)
University of Lucerne
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Lucerne is looking for a PhD candidate to conduct research within the Ambizione project “GBTIQ+ Parents and Single Fathers in Switzerland: Parenting Outside Hegemonic Family Norms" funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Using ethnographic methods, theories, and findings, the project will research men living in Switzerland whose parenting is contested because they fall outside of the heterosexual, cis-gender, two-parent family norm. As a result, they are regularly discriminated against, stigmatized, and face a range of interrelated social, legal, political, and economic challenges that impact on their parenting. According to the project proposal, the PhD candidate will focus on single fathers, but other forms of parenting outside the hegemonic norms, such as transnational fathers, imprisoned fathers, young fathers, or disabled fathers, may also be examined.
Application deadline: 18 April 2024.