/ Forschung
Job: Post-Doc for the cluster "Conflict and Fragility"
Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, University of Freiburg
The Arnold Bergstraesser Institute at the University of Freiburg (Germany) is seeking to fill the position of Post-Doctoral Researcher for "transnational dimensions of peace, conflict and fragility".
The thematic focus of the academic work should be in the field of peace, conflict and fragility with a transnational/transregional/South-south perspective. Preferably, the research focuses on the broader Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
Topics could be, for example, in the fields of: conflict resolution, peace agreements, and transregional peace initiatives; social and transnational movements in uprisings, conflicts, and wars; transnational networks of violence; political or military interventions by external actors; diaspora involvements in conflicts; or socio-ecological conflicts and armed conflicts.
Application deadline: 19 January 2025