/ Forschung, Doktorat
Job: Postdoctoral Researcher in African Studies with a focus on Tanzania
Centre of International Studies (CEI) at Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal)
The Centre of International Studies (CEI) at Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal) – announces the opening of a competition for 1 postdoctoral contract in the area of African Studies or related fields. The position is part of ERC Starting Grant “AfDevLives: The Afterlives of Development Interventions in Eastern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique)” (Ref. 101041788), hosted by CEI-Iscte and led by Dr. Yonatan N. Gez.
AfDevLives studies the legacies of development interventions and their long-term impact on local communities. Exploring links between the past, the present, and the future, it revisits interventions’ representational and material remains from below, as experienced and re-appropriated locally over time. The selected candidate will develop a case study related to the afterlives of development in Tanzania in line with the project’s objectives, and will contribute to the project’s methodological toolkit, outputs (academic and public-facing), and general implementation. Together with other team members, they will partake in the creation of a new phenomenologically inspired participatory approach designed to reflect the close connection between people and their physical environment. The nominated researcher will be based in Lisbon and will conduct multiple rounds of fieldwork around a selected case study (or case studies) in Tanzania, with possibility of drawing on parallels in Kenya and/or Mozambique.
Application deadline: 20 November 2023 (midnight). Applications and supporting documents will be submitted by email to both recruitment.cei@iscte-iul.pt and afdevlives@gmail.com.