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/ Studium, Doktorat

Doctoral Position (100%) in Global or Extra-European History

Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, ETH Zurich

Job: Communication Assistant is seeking a student with an interest in global democracy.

/ News, Forschung, Doktorat

2 PhD Fellows (100%) for Swisspeace Mediation Program

Graduate School Social Sciences, University of Basel

/ Doktorat

Postdoctoral position: "Anthropology of the First Thousand Days of Life"

School of African & Gender Studies, Anthropology & Linguistics, University of Cape Town

/ Studium

Job: Student Assistant (9 Hours Per Week)

Europainstitut/Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel

/ Doktorat

2021-22 Research Fellowships: Royal Museums Greenwich

Royal Museums Greenwich, London

/ Studium

Job: Student assistant (6 hours per week) at the Centre for African Studies Basel in the project "Learning for (Ex-)change"

ZASB – University of Basel

PhD position: Frontier settlements: Territories of artisanal mining labour in Africa

Department of Geography, University of Zurich

/ Studium, Doktorat

Startstipendien: Geschichte, Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Literaturwissenschaft

Universität Basel

Job: Heilpädagoge/in 100% - remedial teacher 100%

Comundo/Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Namibia

/ Forschung

Job: Assistant Professor in African American and African Studies

University of California – Davis, United States

/ Studium

One-year volunteer positions with the United Nations for Swiss nationals

The United Nations Youth Volunteers Programme

/ Organisation

Job: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (70-80%)

Transparency International (TI) Schweiz

/ Studium, Doktorat

Job: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (Doktorand*in/Postdoc), Fachgebiet „Migration und Gesellschaft“

Universität Osnabrück

/ Doktorat

Job: Research Fellow: "African Abolitionism: The Rise and Transformations of Anti-Slavery in Africa (AFRAB)"

Department of History – University College London

/ Studium, Doktorat

Job: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*: Freiwilligkeit, Dekolonisation und Jugend in Ghana

Universität Erfurt

/ Studium, Doktorat

Job: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen (Doktorat/Postdoc/Koordination): Graduiertenkolleg „Imperien: Dynamischer Wandel, Temporalität und nachimperiale Ordnungen“

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Job: Juniorprofessur African Languages and the Construction of Knowledge

Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften – Universität Bayreuth

/ Studium, Doktorat

Two PhD positions: "Citizenship, Migration and Retribalisation in Switzerland"

Department of Social Sciences – University of Basel

/ Studium

Job: Student assistant (6 hours per week)

Centre for African Studies Basel/Department of Social Sciences – University of Basel