
Die folgenden Stellen werden von unseren Partnerinstitutionen oder anderen Organisationen ausgeschrieben. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an die in den Inseraten angegebenen Kontaktpersonen oder besuchen Sie die angegebenen Websites.

/ Doktorat

Job: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*in im Projekt "Weltordnungsnarrative des Globalen Südens“

Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften, Fachbereich Geschichte, Universität Hamburg

Job: Lectureship in Postcolonial Literature

Faculty of English, University of Cambridge

/ Doktorat

Funded doctoral studentship in history: Constitution-making in Sudan

Department of History, Durham University

/ Forschung

Job: 50% post doc researcher on migration, settlement and new urbanism in Africa

Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Ghent University

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Postdoctoral Fellow in Political Science (peace and conflict research)

Department of Political Science, University of Oslo

/ Forschung

Four Junior/Senior Researcher Positions: 4IR/AI and care in Africa

Institute for Humanities in Africa (Huma), University of Cape Town, South Africa

Job: Junior Program Officer (100%)

swisspeace Statehood and Conflict Program, Basel

Job: Freie Wiss. Mitarb. "Untersuchung außereuropäischer Sammlungsbestände"

Museumsverband Thüringen e.V., Erfurt, Deutschland

/ Studium

Job: Studentische/n Mitarbeiter/in für IT Support und technische Assistenz

Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB)

Job: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Politics of Race and Decolonial Studies Grade 7-9

Humanites and Social Sciences, Department of Politics, University of Liverpool

/ Weiterbildung

Job: Assistant Professorship in Black Studies in Geography and Environment

Environmental and Urban Change, York University, Canada

/ Forschung

Job: Assistant Professor of Gender & Sexuality Studies in Black Feminist Theory and Cultural Studies

University of California Irvine School of Humanities, United States

/ Studium, Doktorat

Doctoral/postdoc fellowships: 4IR/AI and care in Africa

Institute for Humanities in Africa (Huma), University of Cape Town, South Africa

/ Studium

Internship: Programme Support, Public Governance Division

Basel Institute on Governance

/ Studium, Doktorat

Doctoral Position (100%) in Global or Extra-European History

Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, ETH Zurich

Job: Communication Assistant is seeking a student with an interest in global democracy.

/ News, Forschung, Doktorat

2 PhD Fellows (100%) for Swisspeace Mediation Program

Graduate School Social Sciences, University of Basel

/ Doktorat

Postdoctoral position: "Anthropology of the First Thousand Days of Life"

School of African & Gender Studies, Anthropology & Linguistics, University of Cape Town

/ Studium

Job: Student Assistant (9 Hours Per Week)

Europainstitut/Institute for European Global Studies, University of Basel

/ Doktorat

2021-22 Research Fellowships: Royal Museums Greenwich

Royal Museums Greenwich, London