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/ Studium, Doktorat

Job: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen (Doktorat/Postdoc/Koordination): Graduiertenkolleg „Imperien: Dynamischer Wandel, Temporalität und nachimperiale Ordnungen“

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Job: Juniorprofessur African Languages and the Construction of Knowledge

Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften – Universität Bayreuth

/ Studium, Doktorat

Two PhD positions: "Citizenship, Migration and Retribalisation in Switzerland"

Department of Social Sciences – University of Basel

/ Studium

Job: Student assistant (6 hours per week)

Centre for African Studies Basel/Department of Social Sciences – University of Basel

/ Studium

Job: Student assistant (6 hours per week)

Department of Social Sciences – University of Basel

/ Doktorat

Job: Two PhD Positions in the Research Group "The concept of slavery in African history"

Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies – Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

/ Forschung

Call: BIEA Graduate Attachment Scheme

The British Institute in Eastern Africa (BIEA)

/ Forschung

Job: Professur für Internationale Beziehungen des Globalen Südens

Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften – Universität Bayreuth

/ Doktorat

Job: Postdoc in the project "The contemporary expansion of corporate Islam in rural West Africa"

Global Studies Institute – University of Geneva

/ Studium

Grants: Masters in Southern Urbanism at the African Centre for Cities for 2021

African Centre for Cities (ACC) – University of Cape Town

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Job: MA & PhD Scholarships and Postdoc Fellowships - South African Research Chair

Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS) – University of the Western Cape

/ Doktorat

Job: UEA-Copenhagen joint PhD Scholarship in Religion and Social Change in Africa

International Development – University of East Anglia

/ Doktorat

Job: PhD scholarship "The resurgence of customary authority in contemporary Democratic Republic of Congo"

Institute of Development Policy (IOB) – University of Antwerp

/ Weitere

Job: fepa Praktikum (rund 40%)

Fonds für Entwicklung und Partnerschaft in Afrika (fepa)

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Stipend: SNIS IO Stipend open for submissions

Swiss Network for International Studies (Geneva)

/ Studium, Doktorat

Job: Assistant's position/doctorate in Archeology

Laboratoire Archéologie et Peuplement de l'Afrique – Université de Genève

/ Studium, Doktorat

Job: Bourse doctorale, laboratoire «Les Afriques dans le monde»

Sciences Po Bordeaux/Institut Français/Agence Françaisede Développement

Job: Security Analyst Intern

ADM International Sarl (Rolle, VD)

Job: Postdoc position “Activism as a Traveling Aesthetic Form”

Ethnologie und Kulturanthropologie – Universität Konstanz

/ Forschung

Job: Postdoc "Foodways in West Africa - An integrated approach to pots, animals and plants"

FNS-Sinergia – Université de Genève