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Job: Koordinator*in des ZFD-Programms Sierra Leone

AGIAMONDO/Ziviler Friedensdienst (ZFD)

Job: Mandat Erschliessung und Vermittlung einer Sammlung zu Literatur aus Afrika (50%)

Artikelsammlung Al Imfeld – Stiftung Litar

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Job: PhD-position (SNFS) in Urban Studies / Visual Arts

Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD) – University of Basel

/ Forschung

Job: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in für Afrikastudien

Institut für Afrikastudien – Universität Leipzig Deutschland

/ Forschung

Job: Wissenschaftliche*n Koordinator*in (w/m/d, 50%)

Afrika-Zentrum für Transregionale Forschung – Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Job: Junior Professor in Anglophone Postcolonial Studies

Institute for English and American Studies – Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

/ Doktorat

Job: PhD studentship ‘Floating palaces: royal yachts, maritime tours and constructions of monarchy, empire and decolonization, c. 1875-1997’

AHRC Collaborative PhD Studentship Birkbeck – National Maritime Museum

Job: Geschäftsleitung 80% artlink

artlink | Cultural Cooperation - Büro für Kulturkooperation - Coopération Culturelle

Job: Doctoral Position Project “Global Cultures of Risk”

Basel Graduate School of History

/ Studium

Job: IAAC-Colette Scholarship for African students: OTF-3D Printing for Architecture

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (Barcelona)

/ Forschung

Job: Two PhDs related to urbanisation, urbanity, and urban diversity in relation to African Studies

The African Studies Centre Leiden – University of Leiden

/ Forschung

Job: Postdoc fellowships “Urban Studies” for scholars from the Global South

USF International Fellowship scheme for urban scholars from the Global South

/ Forschung

Job: Two Interdisciplinary Fellow Groups (Junior/Senior) for 4 months each in the periods February to May and September to December 2021

University of Ghana

/ Forschung

Job: Individual Fellowships (Junior/ Senior) for the calendar year 2021

University of Ghana

/ Forschung

Job: Philomathia Africa Visiting Research Fellowship 2020-21

Centre of African Studies – University of Cambridge

/ Forschung

Job: Two (2) Study Consultants for ECCAS and SADC Regions

Mapping Study to support the development of a Strategic Framework for the ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Higher Education and Scientific Research (ICQN-HESR)

/ Doktorat

Job: Two PhD positions in the project "The contemporary expansion of corporate Islam in rural West Africa"

Global Studies Institute – University of Geneva

/ Forschung

Job: Teaching Fellow Modern African History

Department of History – University of Warwick

/ Forschung

Job: Yale MacMillan Center Postdoctoral Fellowship in African Studies

Council on African Studies at Yale University

/ Doktorat

Job: Post-doctoral researcher in social sciences and humanities or related fields

SALMEA project/IMAF in Aix-en-Provence