
Die folgenden Stellen werden von unseren Partnerinstitutionen oder anderen Organisationen ausgeschrieben. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an die in den Inseraten angegebenen Kontaktpersonen oder besuchen Sie die angegebenen Websites.

/ Forschung

Job: Two PhDs related to urbanisation, urbanity, and urban diversity in relation to African Studies

The African Studies Centre Leiden – University of Leiden

/ Forschung

Job: Postdoc fellowships “Urban Studies” for scholars from the Global South

USF International Fellowship scheme for urban scholars from the Global South

/ Forschung

Job: Two Interdisciplinary Fellow Groups (Junior/Senior) for 4 months each in the periods February to May and September to December 2021

University of Ghana

/ Forschung

Job: Individual Fellowships (Junior/ Senior) for the calendar year 2021

University of Ghana

/ Forschung

Job: Philomathia Africa Visiting Research Fellowship 2020-21

Centre of African Studies – University of Cambridge

/ Forschung

Job: Two (2) Study Consultants for ECCAS and SADC Regions

Mapping Study to support the development of a Strategic Framework for the ADEA Inter-Country Quality Node on Higher Education and Scientific Research (ICQN-HESR)

/ Doktorat

Job: Two PhD positions in the project "The contemporary expansion of corporate Islam in rural West Africa"

Global Studies Institute – University of Geneva

/ Forschung

Job: Teaching Fellow Modern African History

Department of History – University of Warwick

/ Forschung

Job: Yale MacMillan Center Postdoctoral Fellowship in African Studies

Council on African Studies at Yale University

/ Doktorat

Job: Post-doctoral researcher in social sciences and humanities or related fields

SALMEA project/IMAF in Aix-en-Provence

/ Weitere

Job: Hochschulpraktikant/in COMINT (NaA2) 80 - 100% / befristet bis 30.04.2021

Zentrum elektronische Operationen (ZEO) Zimmerwald

Startstipendien: Geschichte, Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Literaturwissenschaft

Universität Basel

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Job: PhD or Post-Doc position in African History on Aftermath of slavery in Kenya

University of Gent

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Job: PhD or Post-Doc position in African History on Aftermath of slavery in Tanzania

University of Gent

Job: Bibliotheksreferendariat Vierte Qualifikationsebene (vormals höherer Bibliotheksdienst)

Staatliche wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken in Bayern

/ Forschung

Job: Head of Research (100%)

Nordic Africa Institute

/ Forschung

Job: Post-Doctoral Research Associate "Urban Transformation and Gendered Violence in South Africa"

University of Cambridge

/ Forschung

Job: Assistant Professor in African Studies

University of Hong Kong

/ Forschung

Job: PhD project "Researching human trafficking policies and programmes in West Africa"

University of Liverpool

/ Forschung

Job: Project Manager (80-100%) (W/M)

Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)