Monika Baumanová
Marie Curie Global Individual Fellow (14.09.2015-13.05.2017)

Monika Baumanova is a Marie Curie Global Individual Fellow (Universität Basel, University of Uppsala). She did her undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University College London, UK, where she specialised in African Archaeology and undertook fieldwork in East Africa. In 2012, she got her PhD in Archaeology at the University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic. Between 2011-2014 she co-managed an international research project there, during which she focused on Swahili towns.
Her current research combines the archaeological approaches to the materiality of African urban environments with those of other social sciences. She focuses on analysing the spatial organisation and material built environment in African towns over the long term (from 15th – 20th centuries). Her research interests include social use of space, spatial analysis (access, visibility and network analyses), and archaeology of colonialism and cultural encounter.
Keywords: African urbanism, cultural memory, networks, structure, built environment, material culture
Project Information
Individual Fellowship No. 656767 TEMPEA
Outgoing phase: 14.09.2015-13.05.2017 (Basel)
Incoming phase: 14.05.2015-13.05.2018 (Uppsala)
Principal Investigator: Paul Lane, University of Uppsala
Co-Investigator: Elísio Macamo, University of Basel
Researcher: Monika Baumanová
- Šmejda, L. and Baumanova, M. 2015. Conceptual crossroads: community and society. In: Kristiansen, K., Šmejda, L. and Turek, J. Paradigm found. Essays in honour of Evzen Neustupny. Oxbow. 47-60.
- Pauknerova, K., Salisbury, R. and Baumanova, M. 2013. Human-landscape interaction in prehistoric Central Europe: analysis of natural and built environments, Anthropologie: International Journal of the Science of Man 51/2: 131-142.
- Baumanova, M. 2011: Kulturní „vzpomínky“ v prostoru aneb jak minulost žije v přítomnosti, Kuděj – časopis pro kulturní dějiny 2011/2: 92-110. (Cultural “memories“ in space - how the past lives in the present)
- Baumanova, M. 2010: Potenciál formálních a neformálních prostorovych analyz pro sledování vyvoje a uspořádání středověkych vesnic, Akta Fakulty filozofické ZČU 4/10: 219-238. (Potential of formal and informal methods of spatial analysis for considering the development and organisation of medieval villages)