
Call: African Development Perspectives Yearbook Vol. 22, 2020

Invited are contributions for Volume 22 (2020) of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook with the title “Sustainable Development Goal 9 (Infrastructure, Industrialization, Innovation) and African Development – Challenges and Opportunities”.

The contributions should be evidence-based and policy-oriented. High academic standards are requested and will be checked by referees. Non-technical papers with deep analysis, which are readable by practitioners in development cooperation and by media people, have a high priority in the selection process. The concept of the contribution and the methodological framework of analysis should be outlined in the Abstract which is submitted to the Editors.  
Upon acceptance of the paper, the Contributors will receive Editorial Guidelines and a Template. Accepted papers will be grouped into Thematic Units, and the respective Unit Editors will contact the contributors quite regularly during the process of finalization to discuss the various drafts.
Guest Editors for various Thematic Units are also invited to apply. Editors of Thematic Units are also becoming automatically Volume Editors. Guest Editors are responsible for a Thematic Unit with 3 – 5 contributions and an Introduction. For specific themes see the Main Issues proposed by the Editors for Volume 22 as presented below. These are only examples. The Editors are open to further suggestions.
See the Context of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook and as well the activities of the Africa Research Programme of the Research Group on African Development Perspectives Bremen at IWIM (Institute for World Economics and International Management), University of Bremen:
The African Development Perspectives Yearbook is published since 1989. The volumes 20 and 21 (for the years 2018 and 2019) were on the theme “Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Inclusive Growth in Africa”. In 2019, the Research Group celebrates the event of 30 years of publishing the African Development Perspectives Yearbook. Each of the volumes 20 and 21 had three Thematic Units. Volume 22 will be related to the year 2020; in case of many high-quality submissions a Volume 23 for the year 2021 can be added.  
The Editors also invite publishers and institutes to send books and issues of periodicals as well as research discussion papers and documents being of relevance to the theme of volume 22 for use in the Book Reviews/Book Notes Section of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook (Book Review/Book Notes Editor: Professor Dr. Achim Gutowski, Email: Prof. Dr. Achim Gutowski

Call (pdf)