
/ Forschung

Call: Disability and Ethics - Swiss Bioethica Forum journal

The co-editors are looking for African voices and articles on intersectional issues

The widely ratified United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities lists the rights of disabled individuals and prohibits any discrimination on the basis of disability. It demands state parties, amongst other things, to grant disabled individuals their full inclusion and participation in society (including in social, educational, political and public life as well as in medical decision-making), and to respect the right of disabled individuals to found a family. While these rights are commonly accepted, their application and implementation remain a highly contested issue. It is for example unclear what measures have to be taken to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities in education and the world of work whilst providing social protection to those who cannot work due to their impairments. Government agencies have to weigh how to best allocate their limited resources in a fair and cost-effective way, which may sometimes be in tension with the right of disabled individuals to inclusion and participation. And in medicine and political theory, it is an open question how medical and political decision-making can be made more accessible for persons with intellectual disabilities, for those who are profoundly impaired or who are living with multiple disabilities.

Deadline of submission: October 1st, 2019.

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