
/ Forschung

Call: Short Term Scientific Missions - EU / COST Project on Homelessness

COST Project, Homelessness, EU

Doctoral and Post-Doc students are invited to submit an application to undertake research abroad in the thematic issue of homelessness. Those Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are good opportunities to collect data or preparing comparable studies.
The applicant must be engaged in a programme of research or employed by an institution participating in this COST Action. To this end, her/his application should be endorsed by a member of the Management Committee. Priority is given to applicants who qualify as early-stage researchers. The definition of the term “Early-Stage Researchers” is based on the time that elapses between the date of the PhD/doctorate (or similar experience) and the date of involvement in the COST Action. If this time span is less than 8 years, a person falls within the definition.  The Applicant must obtain a statement of approval from the Host Institution stating that the applicant can undertake a STSM at the host institution. This approval may take the form of an email or letter from a senior researcher based at the host institution. The grant will be used to cover travel and subsistence costs, conference fees, and the costs of conference workshops. The maximum amount to be awarded per grant is € 2.500. The duration of a STSM must be at least one week (5 working days). A scientific report will be sent by the applicant to the STSM chair within 30 days of the end of the mission. The STSM-committee consists of Koen Hermans (Leuven), Matthias Drilling (Basel) and Gabor Csomor (Bratislava). Please send the application form to Koen Hermans (

The deadline for the application is 15 june 2018