/ Studium
Summer/Winter School: Agriculture, Food, Conservation and Tourism in Namibia and Switzerland

Call for applications for the joint Summer/Winter School with the University of Namibia in the frame of Learning for (Ex)Change
Learning for (Ex)Change is an international exchange project, which was created in cooperation of the University of Basel and the University of Namibia. Over a period of three years (2019-2021), two excursions will take place each summer - one in Namibia and one in Switzerland.
The joint Summer/Winter School 2020 will include ten students from the University of Basel, ten students of the University of Namibia (UNAM), as well as three young professionals on each side. The entire group will do two field courses - the first one in June 2020 to the Naturpark Beverin (Schweiz) and the second one in July 2020 to Karasburg and Noordoewer (Namibia). For additional details please refer to the course information “Food Systems and the Environment - Transformations in rural Namibia and Switzerland” in the course directory of the University of Basel.
Switzerland: 08 June - 20 June 2020
Namibia: 28 June - 11 July 2020
Students who are interested in joining please contact us before 5 January 2020:
Wanda Rutishauser:
Luregn Lenggenhager:
More information for young professionals can be found here (PDF, in German).