
21 Nov 2019
18:30  - 20:00

Verso bar | Kollegiengebäude 1. UG, Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel

Weitere Events

2nd Café international

Fall semester 2019

The Language Center and the International Office of the University of Basel invite all international Master and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, lecturers, visiting researchers and employees from the University of Basel to our second fall semester event:

The international classroom – a different perspective

What to expect

Two lecturers of German as a foreign language talk about learning and teaching in international classrooms and invite you to share your views and experiences.
This Café international aims to:
• Point out challenges for learners and lecturers in inter-nationalized higher education institutions
•Show how much the learning of a foreign language is linked to interculturality
• Discuss the role of languages for personal integration and interculturality.


Beatrice Mall-Grob & Angélique Thabar, lecturers of German as a Foreign Language at the Language Center of the University

Extend the experience

A small Apéro and time to informally mix and mingle will follow the event.
Register by Sunday, November 17, 2019

We look forward to your participation!

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