
18 Okt 2019
14:00  - 17:30

Centre for African Studies Basel

Öffentliche Veranstaltung / PS

Africa Forum 2019: Development Cooperation - Africa and the Agenda 2030

The Africa Forum of the Centre for African Studies Basel offers a platform for the exchange between academics and decision makers in business, government and development cooperation.

Cover page of Flyer Africa-Forum 2019

The forum will critically engage with different approaches to development and discuss discourses and structural conditions that frame development cooperation. A particular focus is on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN’s Agenda 2030, currently the most important international development framework.

Specific projects and organisations will serve as cases to take a close look at how development cooperation works with regards to three dimensions: gender, religion and sustainability. The presentations will be followed by a round table discussion with all speakers.

Introduction and moderation

Lucy Koechlin, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Social Anthropology,
University of Basel


Hafid Derbal, Programme coordinator South Africa and Zimbabwe, terre des hommes schweiz

Georg Felber, Senior Advisor Value
Chain & Market Development, Helvetas

Yakubu Joseph, Coordinator Nigeria, Mission 21

Elísio Macamo, Professor of African Studies at the Institute of Sociology, University of Basel

Participation fee

Regular fee: CHF 50
Reduced/students: CHF 25



+41 61 207 34 82


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