
28 Nov 2023
12:00  - 14:00



Kongress / Tagung / Symposium

AMMODI Virtual Roundtable: "Making African(ist) Migration Research Visible"

Challenging the Knowledge Production Hierarchies in Migration Research

This virtual roundtable, organized by the AMMODI (African Migration, Mobility, and Displacement) network, brings together librarians, researchers and journal editors. Together, they will discuss how to challenge the knowledge production hierarchies as well as diagnose and address the structural inequalities embedded in Africanist migration research. The roundtable also aims to offer inspiration for ways to work towards more equity and inclusivity, and it will briefly introduce the AMMODI database of over 200 Africa-based scholars working on migration, mobility and displacement and their work, which aims to be one step towards increasing the visibility of African migration research.

The event is moderated by Leander Kandilige and Faisal Garba.

Register on the website; all registered participants will receive a Zoom link several days before the event.

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