
03 Sep 2018 - 07 Sep 2018
09:00  - 17:00

Alte Gewerbeschule, Petersgraben 52, Basel

Critical Urbanisms

Kolloquium / Seminar

Block course: African Cities

The course explores critiques of African urban exceptionalism and engages with a southern urban literature that helps reinsert African cities in broader global debate, inspired from, but not confined to the continent’s history.

African cities are complex and contested, sites of contemporary global ‘best practice,’ as well as colonial legacy and the challenges of post-colonial development. This course draws on an excit-ing body of work that engages with African cities, grounded in place, as well as in national and transnational contexts, cultures and histories. It builds on critiques of African urban exceptional-ism and engages with a southern urban literature that helps reinsert African cities in broader global debate, inspired from, but not confined to the continent’s history. The course explores the scale and breadth of African and southern urbanism as a heterodox field which calls for com-parative readings of cities, alternative modes of inquiry and new geographies of theory.

Faculty: Sophie Oldfield and Laura Nkula-Wenz (University of Basel and African Centre for Cities, Cape Town)

Course no.: 48486-01

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