
29 Nov 2019

Basler Afrika Bibliographien | Klosterberg 23, 4051 Basel

Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Busisiwe Diko & Mondli Hlatshwayo: Extreme inequality, xenophobia and struggles for housing

Current conflicts and the future of South Africa

Apartheid ended 25 years ago with the first free elections in South Africa. The new democratic South Africa was associated with the hope of overcoming the discriminatory and racist structures of apartheid. Contrary to these hopes, social inequalities in South Africa are still enormous. There have been repeated attacks on migrants from African and Asian countries – the most recent ones in summer 2019. Particularly in the cities, the land question is highly explosive. The economic model based on exploiting raw materials is no longer working. Furthermore, corrupt networks inherited from the apartheid regime are still functioning, thus increasing social tensions and inequalities. Together with other related organisations the Swiss ADR campaign presents a number of public debates with Mondli Hlatshwayo und Busisiwe Diko in order to discuss currently burning issues around social inequality, xenophobia and displacement.

Mondli Hlatshwayo, a scholar and former anti-apartheid and labour activist, has for a long time investigated issues of migration, labour rights and equal education opportunities.
Busisiwe Diko is an activist and youth leader with Abahlali baseMjondolo. This movement originating from Durban fights against the displacement of shack dwellers and for the right to housing and consequently for new land laws.

Our two guests will provide first-hand information on the causes and background of the current misery in South Africa and at the same time on brave forms of resistance. How are social movements fighting against inequality, xenophobia and displacements? How can they shape South Africa’s future and contribute to a real democratisation? And how can Swiss activists and organisations support these struggles and learn from them?

Centre for African Studies (CASB) & Basel Afrika Bibliographies


Further Opportunities to attend - with translation into German:

Zurich: Monday, 2nd December 19.30
Café Boy, Rosa Luxemburg Saal, Kochstrasse 2
with: Sankofa - Platform for People of African Descent, bla*sh – Network of Black Women

St. Gallen: Tuesday, 3rd December 20.15
«Erfreuliche Universität» im Palace, Zwinglistr. 3
with: AFRI KA RIBIK, Bildungsgemeinschaft St. Gallen

Zug: Wednesday, 4th December 20.00
Siehbachsaal, Chamerstrasse 33, 6300 Zug
with: Alternative - die Grünen Zug

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