
30 Mai 2018

Theodorskirche | Theodorskirchplatz 5, 4058 Basel (Wettsteinplatz)

Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Concert: "Ovandu Va Namibia" Maranatha Singers Namibia on tour in Europe

Concert, Maranatha Singers

Maranatha Singers: 13 years ago, Evy George gathered her family and some friends in her Windhoek living room to talk about their dream coming true: to found a choir that would perform not only traditional songs and dances but also classical music, modern Gospel and sacral music.

Since then, the choir has constantly grown and climbed to the top of the Namibian singing scene. Organised by our partners at the Musikakdemie Basel, they are coming to Europe for the 5th time now, and will perform in Switzerland for the 2nd time. Find here details for further concerts in Lenzburg and Pfäffikon.

Workshop 30 May, 3pm, Theodorskirche: On the day of the Basel concert there will be an afternoon workshop, during which a young Namibian composer will rehearse a song and dance steps together with the participants. This song will become part of the concert in the evening.

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