
22 Mai 2019 - 24 Mai 2019

University of Basel, Faculty of Theology | Nadelberg 10, 4051 Basel, Grosser Seminarraum

Kongress / Tagung / Symposium

Conf: Religious Environmentalism - A Field of Tensions

Interdisciplinary Conference organized by the «Urban Green Religions» of the Centre for Religion, Economy and Politics (ZRWP) at the University of Basel.

Religions can play a key role in transformation processes towards more environmentally friendly societies. They shape the worldviews and values of billions of people on earth. By addressing not only the mind but also the heart, religions can motivate people to undertake changes in their lifestyles. Furthermore, religious communities are readily equipped with economic and material resources for the undertaking of environmental projects.

However, religious environmental engagement often involves tensions. It faces resistance, limitations, and conflicts. These tensions sometimes take root in the religious organizations themselves in the form of competition between theological schools. In other cases, rivalry between different religious traditions or the marginalization of religion can thwart the impact of religious environmentalism. This conference explores these manifold tensions through the showcasing of empirical cases of religious environmentalism.

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Jens Köhrsen, Dr. Julia Blanc, Fabian Huber, Vera Schaffer, Anabel Da Pra

This event is open to the public and free of charge.

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