
05 Mai 2023

Kornhausforum Bern | Kornhausplatz 18 | 3011 Bern | online


Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Kongress / Tagung / Symposium

Conference: "Decolonizing Swiss Research Collaborations"

Annual conference organized by the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) in collaboration with the SUDAC and SOR4D programmes

Demands to decolonize relationships, practices and knowledge have increased in the last years. These demands have been raised due to persisting prejudice, repression and inequalities rooted in colonial legacy, and they touch all spheres of society, including science. At this year’s conference the following will be discussed:

  • What does it mean to decolonize research collaborations?
  • What is needed to decolonize Swiss research collaborations?
  • What can we do to decolonize research, teaching and collaborations?

The conference consists of two parts: a series of online workshops in the period of April 19- May 31 and the conference in Bern on May 5.

Register before April 28 to join for this interactive afternoon in Bern or online.



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