
17 Mär 2020
16:15  - 17:45

Universität Basel | Hörsaal 116, Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel

Kolloquium / Seminar

David Lanz: The Responsibility to Protect in Darfur – From forgotten conflict to global cause and back

Peace Research Colloquium

Book launch "The Responsibility to Protect in Darfur – From forgotten conflict to global cause and back"

David Lanz, swisspeace

The volume traces Darfur’s evolution from forgotten conflict to a major global cause and back to obscurity. The emergence of a far-reaching international response to the war in Darfur began in 2004 and included the most influential international advocacy movement since the anti-apartheid campaign and one of the world’s largest peacekeeping missions. The book analyzes how Darfur slid back into international obscurity after 2011, despite ongoing violence against civilians and the continued risk of conflict escalation following Omar al-Bashir’s ousting in April 2019. Based on an analysis of more than 100 interviews and over 1,000 media reports, the book examines one of the most pressing questions related to the R2P: why do some situations of mass atrocities cause an international outcry, while others are met with complacency and silence? It argues that the presence or absence of a compelling narrative, which frames a situation in moral terms and unambiguously conveys who is responsible, who suffers, and what should be done, facilitates whether or not sufficient traction will be gained to beget a robust R2P response.

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