
07 Jun 2022

Collegium Helveticum

Kongress / Tagung / Symposium

Digital Technologies, Conflict and Social Change

Hybrid Symposium

Over the past decade, digital technologies have assumed critical bearings on the ways in which humans interact, societies change, and conflicts evolve. Social media specifically play a crucial role in determining the course of varied kinds of conflicts, in democratic and political movements, as well as in citizen-led social activism.
This symposium intends to generate conversations and induce exchanges on practitioners’ use of digital technologies in conflict, conflict management and social change, conflict transformation, peacebuilding, mediation, prevention, and countering of violent extremism. 

The symposium is planned as a hybrid interactive exchange. Panel presentations will be made by UNDP, swisspeace, Search for Common Ground, Citizen Lab, United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Mercy Corps, Peace Tech Lab, Action Aid, and many others. Keynotes lectures will be delivered by Professor Toyin Falola (Chair in the Humanities at the University of Texas), and Professor Birgit Bräuchler (Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen). There will also be the launch of the book “Social Media Impacts on Conflict and Democracy”.

Please register for on-site participation via this link or follow the event via zoom and interact with the speakers via Q&A.

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