
06 Nov 2023
18:30  - 20:00

Online via Zoom

fepa: Der Fonds für Entwicklung und Partnerschaft in Afrika

Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Discussion: "The Rights of Farm Workers in South Africa"

Organized as part of fepa's 60th anniversary celebrations

The fourth Zoom event in fepa's jubilee series is dedicated to the rights and struggles of farm workers in South Africa. The discussion will examine the current situation on farms in the central Karoo and in the Western Cape in general: What is the situation of the farming sector? What is the situation of labourers on these farms? What are their demands? And not least: How can the people in the central Karoo defend their rights and demands so that their lives take a positive change?

The discussion will be held with board members of fepa partner CKCFA and Sharron Marco Thyse, an expert in labour and rural organisation on farms.


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