
29 Apr 2019 - 05 Mai 2019

FIFOG | Espace 99, Rue de Lyon 99, 1203 Genève

Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Festival: International Oriental Film Festival of Geneva (FIFOG)

14th edition

The 14th edition of the International Oriental Film Festival of Geneva (FIFOG) will take place from April 29 to May 5, 2019 in Geneva and its municipalities (Versoix, Vernier, Presinge, Carouge).

Placed under the sign of “the praise of difference”, this new edition will show a hundred films, all genres combined, accompanied by either authors or specialists.

The latest socio-political bouleversements occurred in the countries of Eastern ended the monolithic visions, unique looks and exclusive choices. This paved the way for the recognition of diversity and the beginning of acceptance of difference. Thus the Other is at the center of discussions, debates and polemics. This is democratization.

Meanwhile, globalization imposes its diktat manifested by the standardization of lifestyles, patterns of thought and the decline of freedoms.

It goes without saying that this process that redefines the individual in society, the relations between the countries, and especially with the West, is decisive for the future of the entire East. A crucial phase whose success is determined by the cultural dynamics that accompany them.

This democratization has freed the artistic and creative forces that find themselves both actresses and witnesses. Thus, cinema, one of the most popular arts and the most accessible to the populations often maintained in the illiteracy, becomes a major stake and a space of games of the antagonistic forces and assertion of the diversity and the difference.

The 2019 edition of FIFOG, seeks to highlight this new cinema that results from the recognition of the other denied for a very long time. She will put together films that advocate for the right to be different and promote diversity.

Mehr Infos / Further information:FIFOG 2019

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