Stadtkino Basel | Klostergasse 5 | 4051 Basel
fepa: Der Fonds für Entwicklung und Partnerschaft in Afrika
Film: "You Are Our Daughter Now"

Iria Mudimu's documentary You Are Our Daughter Now examines the topic of Roora, a traditional Zimbabwean wedding custom – the negotiation and payment of the conventionally termed "bride price". Because of the patriarchal nature of the ceremony, the bride has little knowledge of what is happening in her own wedding ceremony. You Are Our Daughter Now gives women a voice. As an ethnographic film, it explores the opportunity to expand the male gaze, which is predominant in Roora, with a female perspective. Through critical analysis, the film empowers (young) Zimbabwean women to reinvent Roora for future generations, making it a practice that allows for greater empowerment and inclusion.
The screening will be followed by an audience discussion in the presence of the director. Afterwards, guests can enjoy a small apéro.
Entry is free.
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