
29 Mai 2019
17:30  - 19:00

Centre for African Studies | Rheinsprung 21, entrance area on street level

Get-together at the end of the semester

The spring semester draws to a close and for some students the exams even mark the end of their time at the University of Basel.

Apéro im Zentrum für Afrikastudien beim Fest zum 550-jährigen Bestehen der Universität Basel

The Centre for African Studies invites students, faculty and other staff members in the Africa network at the University of Basel for an informal gathering celebrating the end of the semester and our new graduates. Drinks and snacks will be served.

The past semester was marked by changes on several levels, ranging from the governance of the Centre to the study regulations. Our get-together also affords an opportunity for engaging with faculty, researchers and administrative staff present, discussing issues relating to your studies, research or other activities in relation with the Centre.

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