
23 Nov 2018
13:15  - 18:00

Rheinsprung 21, Basel, Room 00.004


In Progress (workshop for PhD-students)

A platform to discuss work-in-progress

The purpose of this workshop is to bring PhD students together to discuss the progress of their work. The workshop consists of three parts, (I) Thinking in Progress, (II) Researching in Progress and (III) Writing in Progress.

(I) Thinking in Progress: in this part, PhD students who are beginning with their work are encouraged to discuss their “thesis”. This refers to the nature of the problem which their work addresses, the particular question which they ask and its significance to scholarship. It is important that in their presentation they discuss the specific literature or field of study which their work addresses and that they give us a sense of how they wish to make a contribution to it.

(II) Researching in Progress: in this part, PhD students who have already started collecting data are expected to give a detailed report on what they have been up to. This includes an account of the type of data, which they have been collecting, the kind of analysis which they intend to undertake and their expectations concerning how they think they will be able to address the problem that they set out to address at the beginning.

(III) Writing in Progress: in this part, PhD students who are writing up their findings should report on the structure of their thesis, the storyline which they are pursuing and the argument that connects individual chapters to form a whole. If they are working on a particular chapter they should discuss its place in the overall thesis, how it relates to the initial problem and its orientation (theoretical, methodological or conceptual)

This workshop focuses on the work of PhD students. Presentations should be concise and focused. They should not be longer than 20 minutes to allow for discussion. Each discussion should yield a clear set of tasks for the future, which the candidate shall translate into a working schedule to be shared with the supervisor within one week after the workshop.

Please confirm your participation by email to Elísio Macamo, indicating to which part of the workshop (see below) you wish to make your contribution. Please respect the format suggested below. You are free to invite to the workshop colleagues that you think can make valuable contributions to your work.

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