
15 Sep 2022 - 16 Sep 2022

Online/University of Geneva

University of Geneva and Swiss Society for African Studies

Kongress / Tagung / Symposium

International Conference: "Africa’s Urban Futures"

Co-organized by the University of Geneva and the Swiss Society for African Studies

While Africa is projected to have the highest urban growth rate in the world by 2050, nearly one in two African citizens – that’s over 500 million people – already lives in cities. Long seen as ‘ungovernable’, ‘fragile’ or ‘anarchic’, due in part, to the proliferation of slums, uncontrolled urbanization, poor governance and criminal activity, African metropolises however, are also celebrated as places of cultural, infrastructural, political and social creation. African urban formations simultaneously emerge as spaces of social transformation, circulation of ideas and innovation, and the loci for potential covetousness and (societal) conflict. This international conference focuses therefore on a variety of urban-related issues emerging on the African continent in order to generate fresh insight on the urban world ‘yet to come’ (to paraphrase Abdoumaliq Simone) from a Southern urbanisms perspective that sees African cities as sites from which one can learn globally.

Attendance is possible on site or on line.

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