
18 Okt 2018
16:15  - 17:45

GIUB | Hörsaal 001, Hallerstrasse 12, 3012 Bern

Geographisches Institut

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Kalpana Wilson: Racialised and gendered labour and reproductive justice in the era of the Sustainable Development Goal

Forum Nachhaltigkeit 2018

The racialised discourse of twenty-first century sustainable development increasingly links population growth with migration, conflict and climate change. Women and adolescent girls in the global South are seen as both productive but disposable labouring bodies, and dangerous reproductive bodies marked by ‘excessive’ fertility. Meanwhile men and adolescent boys are viewed as unproductive and as embodied threats to capital accumulation. This lecture examines how these racialised and gendered representations inform contemporary development interventions and how they are being resisted.

Kalpana Wilson is a Lecturer in the Department of Geography, Birkbeck, University of London. Her research explores questions of race/gender, labour, neoliberalism, and reproductive rights and justice. She is the author of Race, Racism and Development: Interrogating History, Discourse and Practice, Zed Books, 2012. She is also a founder member of the campaigning organisation South Asia Solidarity Group.

Dieser Vortrag ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe «Forum Nachhaltigkeit 2018».

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