
30 Jun 2022


AMMODI - African migration, mobility, and displacement

Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Francis Nyamnjoh: The Limits of Containing Mobility. Lessons from Post-Covid19

Keynote lecture as part of the series "Africans on the Move: Critical Reflections on Mobility, Citizenship and Belonging"

The series explores a central theme in migration research, namely the identity-mobility nexus, but does so through ongoing research from across the African continent. The theme encompasses issues relating to xenophobia and migrant integration, documentation and migrant rights, and the role of the diaspora. The emphasis is on intra-African migration, to balance the previous series’ focus on Afro-European relations.

The lecture series combines three different virtual formats, all exploring aspects of the overall theme. The first session presents the Annual AMMODI Keynote Lecture, a traditional lecture format, followed by a Q&A session. The second session is in the form of a Research Lab, in which two scholars will present ongoing work and receive feedback from a discussant and from the listeners. The third and final session is organised as a Roundtable discussion with invited panellists, with speakers representing different geographical regions and thematic specialisations as well as prior research experience.

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