
07 Dez 2020


University of Namibia

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Kletus Muhena Likuwa: Voices from the Kavango - A Study of the Contract Labour System in Namibia 1925-1972

Online Book Launch, UNAM


Director of Ceremonies: Prof. Nelago Indongo, Director of MRC

  1. Opening and Welcoming Remarks: Prof. Kenneth Matengu, Vice Chancellor, UNAM
  2. Brief Statement by MRC partners in labour research: Dr Michael Akuupa: Director of LaRRI
  3. Foreword statement via Zoom: Prof Uma Dhupelia-Mesthrie, Senior Professor, History Department, University of the Western Cape
  4. Remarks by the author: Dr Kletus Likuwa, Deputy Director, MRC.
  5. Key note address and Official launch of the book: Honourable John Mutorwa: Minister of Works and Transport
  6. General comments and questions
  7. Closing remarks: Prof Anicia Peters, Pro-Vice Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Development, UNAM
  8. Refreshments

For more information, please contact the Basler Afrika Bibliographien at

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