
12 Okt 2023

Syngenta Auditorium, Rosentalstrasse 67, 4058 Basel

Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture

Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Learning Forum on healthier urban nutrition

Im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Deal with it!

The Nutrition in City Ecosystems project (NICE) aims to improve nutrition and health, and to reduce poverty. It does so by increasing both the demand for, and supply of, nutritious and agroecologically produced foods. To strengthen value chains, the project particularly stimulates female and youth entrepreneurship.

NICE runs in Kenya, Rwanda and Bangladesh. It focuses on ‘secondary’ cities, away from each country’s capital. The sharing of lessons is planned locally and internationally. Basel can benefit from the NICE cities, and vice versa. Our Learning Forum is an important step in this process. We plan an ‘Impulse-Talk’ by an African representative from Basel University, presentations by Project Managers from Kenya and Rwanda, and a discussion with the audience.

Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture

Treffpunkt: 18.00 Uhr, Syngenta Auditorium, Rosentalstrasse 67, 4058 Basel
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