
26 Apr 2022
14:00  - 17:00


swisspeace & Schweizer Plattform für Friedensförderung (KOFF)

Workshop, Weiterbildung

Oliver Jütersonke & Claske Dijkema: Urban Peacebuilding

Swisspeace / KOFF Continuing Education Course


The dynamics of conflict and violence are changing globally. Figures show that the majority of violent deaths no longer occur in traditional war situations. There is a growing consensus that urban areas in non-war contexts are becoming the future hotspots, as they emerge as targets and arenas of violence, with profound consequences for urban populations.

Against this background, the upcoming Master Class will shed light on the emerging field of urban peacebuilding. Since this approach is new to most KOFF members, we aim to introduce this research field in a KOFF Master Class format and explore its relevance for peace policy and practice. Especially for those interested in and working on safe, inclusive and resilient cities, urban peacebuilding might be of great relevance. The following questions will guide us through the Master Class:

  • What challenges do violently contested cities face? What kind of violence are urban areas confronted with? What does sustainable peace in urban contexts mean?

  • How does urban peacebuilding contribute to more inclusive, safe and resilient cities and shape responses to crime and violence?

KOFF Master Classes are an exchange and learning format for the Swiss Platform for Peacebuilding KOFF members and other interested actors. The Master Classes provide a space to reflect and discuss topics of relevance to peace policy and practice, based on the expertise and knowledge of external experts from academia, policy, and practice.

Participation is free of charge. Interested students are encouraged to send an email to Chiara Lanfranchi, KOFF/swisspeace by 7 April 2022.

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