
21 Mär 2019

Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum | Cäcilienstraße 29-33, 50667 Köln

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Paul Lane: Getting the Archaeological Past to Work for the Future in Eastern Africa

organized by REAL (Resilience in East African Landscapes)

Researching Africa’s pasts through archaeology and oral history has long been celebrated as a means to recover a sense of dignity, belonging and accomplishment, in e ect righting the wrongs caused by colonial denigration and denial of the African continent’s deep past. While this remains important, new roles for the past in the present are being forged, with a focus on how knowledge about the past can help plan for more sustainable and resilient societies in the future. Drawing on the results of the Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) project, this talk will highlight some of the recent contributions of such approaches and the challenges that remain. Emphasis will be placed on the value of adopting deep time perspectives and how such an approach can reveal the processes and agents involved in the creation of East Africa’s biocultural heritage and its evaluation by different communities and stakeholders.

This presentation is part of the exhibition: <link en centre events details news exhibition-getting-closer-ways-of-understanding-climate-change-in-east-africa internal link in current>"Getting Closer Ways of Understanding Climate change in East Africa"

Related event: Podium: Between Climate Change and Modernization Boom - The Uncertain Future of East Africa’s Savannas(21.02.2019 / 19:00)

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