Museum Rietberg, Gablerstrasse 15, 8002 Zürich
Zürcher Theater Spektakel and Museum Rietberg
Performance: "L'Opéra du Villageois"

In cooperation with Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Museum Rietberg presents the performance "L’Opéra du Villageois" by Zora Snake.
Zora Snake is one of the most talented Cameroonian dancers and choreographers of his generation. "L’Opéra du Villageois" is both a burial and liberation ritual. It denounces the European museums that harbour looted art in their collections and conjures up the spirit of the stolen objects. Snake reclaims everything that the colonial powers have plundered over the past centuries: the gold, the salt, the history. But their spirits are not dead: "They took the work, but not the spirit".
The performance is preceded by a short guided tour through the exhibition in English.
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