
22 Mai 2019 - 24 Mai 2019

University of Basel

Weiterbildung, Weitere Events

swisspeace course: Human Rights & Conflict Transformation Course

Continued education module offered by swisspeace and the University of Basel

Human rights and conflict transformation are instrumental for achieving sustainable peace and development. Despite wide recognition that the fields of human rights, peacebuilding and development work in and on similar contexts, they are often perceived as distinct disciplines. This training seeks to go beyond this divide and aims at exploring how human rights and conflict transformation offer different types of insights to similar contexts, and exploring how they can complement one another both practically and conceptually. It also recognizes that certain challenges and dilemmas arise when linking human rights and conflict transformation, and considers strategies for addressing these.

In this course participants will:

  • become familiar with human rights and conflict transformation in terms of important concepts, focus areas, and strategies in the two fields;
  • understand the relevance of linking human rights and conflict transformation and identify ways in which you can do so practically in the context of your own work;
  • gain skills and confidence in incorporating elements from both perspectives in your analysis of conflict-related situations;
  • understand challenges and dilemmas relating to linking human rights and conflict transformation and explore strategies for addressing these;
  • critically reflect on your own frame of reference and professional identity and the implications thereof for your engagement with the complex interplay of human rights and conflict transformation:
  • exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice.

Further information: swisspeace course "Human Rights & Conflict Transformation Course"

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