Alliance for African Partnership
Webinar: COVID-19 Pandemic: Responses and lessons learned from African Universities
Join the Alliance for African Partnership as they host their first virtual panel in the upcoming AAP Public Dialogue Series. The topic will be "COVID-19 Pandemic: Responses and lessons learned from African universities.
University leaders from across the continent will be coming together to discuss their institutions' response to the crisis and share best practices on how to move forward.
- Barnabas Nawangwe, Vice Chancellor, Makerere University
- Ibrahima Thioub, Rector, Cheik Anta Diop University
- Rose Mwonya, Vice Chancellor, Egerton University
- David Norris, Vice Chancellor, University of Botswana
- Moderator: Paul Zeleza, Vice Chancellor, US International University - Africa
If you would like to attend this virtual panel on 29 April 14.00, please register using the link below. Be sure to include any questions you would like the panelists to discuss. If you have any questions, please contact the organizers at
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