
27 Jun 2018 - 29 Jun 2018

Centre Marc Bloch | Friedrichstraße 191, 10117 Berlin


Workshop “'Endangered' Scholars and 'Rescue' Policies. Recent Research and Future Prospects“

Workshop, Endangered Scholars

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the workshop "'Endangered' Scholars and 'Rescue' Policies. Recent Research and Future Prospects" taking place from June 27 to 29 2018 at the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin.

During the 20th and 21st centuries, the hosting of “endangered” scholars (gefährdete Forschende, scientifiques ou académiques en danger, Academics at Risk,…) has been and is still the object of various initiatives aiming to protect people facing persecution, as well as to fight against authoritarian regimes, to promote peace through science or more generally to defend intellectual freedom. In such projects, interpersonal and political solidarities are combined with an interest in the scientific contribution of those prevented from exercising their profession in their home country.

The 2015 torture and executions of archeologists in Syria, followed by the extensive repression against academics in Turkey, gave new impetus to the question of hosting “endangered scholars” in a context in which migration is currently labeled as a “problem” by European governments and the European Union.

One of our main objectives is to examine the categories of analyses underpinning “scholar rescue” and to leverage methodological tools to understand – on a long term basis and with a comparative, diachronic and multidisciplinary (history, sociology, political sciences) approach – the specificities of migratory paths, as well as the configurations and measures in place for the reception of migrants. This workshop aspires to provide a first assessment of on-going work as well as to map out future research prospects.

Further information:detailed program

Contact: Laura Roos,

Conference languages are French, German and English. For organizational reasons we ask for a pre-registration.

The joint event of Centre Marc Bloch, the ISP of the University Paris Nanterre, the ComUE “Université Paris Lumières”, Bard College Berlin and the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) of the University of Osnabrück is funded within the “Procope structurant 2018” initiated by the French Embassy in Germany and Switzerland.

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