Eigene News

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/ Forschung, Doktorat

Publication: "The Ascension of the Astro-Goth – Yugen Blakrok’s Otherworldly Hip-Hop Poetics"

In his article, Pius Vögele explores the work of South African hip-hop artist Yugen Blakrok from an Afrofuturist perspective and, drawing on Rammellzee’s concept of Gothic Futurism, designates her unique approach as Astro-Gothic Futurism.

/ Forschung

Introducing "PRECURBICA – Precarious Urbanisms in Coastal Africa"

In a post on the website of the Department for Social Sciences, SNSF Eccellenza Professor Jon Schuber introduces his research project and his team.

/ Info

Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 188: "Globale Gesundheit: der Beitrag Afrikas"

Die Strukturen der internationalen Gesundheit – von der Forschung über die Herstellung von Medikamenten und Impfstoffen bis hin zur Gesundheitspolitik – sind immer noch wesentlich durch die koloniale Vergangenheit geprägt und werden ständig…
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/ Forschung

Publication: "Industrial mining and HIV risk: evidence from 39 mine openings across 16 countries in sub-Saharan Africa"

In this study, researchers of the Swiss TPH assess the impact of natural resource extraction projects on HIV transmission risks in local communities in sub-Saharan Africa. The findings suggest that in the sample of households surrounding…
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/ Forschung

Publication: "The Paradox of Disturbance: Africa and COVID-19"

In this book contribution, Elísio Macamo argues that the social transformation of the virus into a pandemic imposed a definition of the situation at odds with the real actual significance of the problem in Africa.
DJ El Corazon

/ Doktorat, Info

In den Medien: DJ-Set und Interview mit DJ El Corazon aka Atiyyah Khan

DJ El Corazon aka Atiyyah Khan from Cape Town, SA, präsentiert ein Set auf Radio Kanal K, und Pius Vögele spricht mit ihr über die Musik und das Leben. Atiyyah Khan ist Journalistin, Forscherin und DJ und war im September 2022…
video still, pharmacy in Lusaka, Zambia

/ Studium, Info

Interdisciplinary 5-Week MOOC: "Examining African Contributions to Global Health"

The history of science has largely been written from the perspective of the Global North. This has meant that the impact of the Global South has been neglected and undervalued. This five-week course will uncover the innovation and…
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/ Forschung

Publication: "Voces de una comunidad africana poco visible: los guineoecuatorianos en Madrid"

In her book, Sandra Schlumpf provides a linguistic and anthropological perspective on the Equatorial Guinean community in Madrid. In addition to a historical and contemporary overview, the book is about various themes that proved central…
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/ Forschung, Studium

Publication: "Autoethnographic Explorations: Privileged Access to the Social or Idiosyncratic Journalism?"

The latest issue of the Basel Papers on Political Transformations, edited by Till Förster, collects autoethnographic reports written by students of a research seminar held at the Chair of Anthropology in Basel in 2021. They address distinct…
The Dollar Brand Trio at a Cellar Concert in St. Gallen in 1962 (Photo: Richard Butz)

/ Forschung

Call for Papers: "Cultural Relations Between Switzerland and South Africa, 1948–1994"

This conference concludes a research project that shed light on cultural relations between South Africa and Switzerland during the apartheid era. The conference takes place from 3 to 5 May 2023 in Basel, and is a collaboration between the…