Eigene News

Book cover Knowing Women

/ Forschung

Publication: "Knowing Women. Same-Sex Intimacy, Gender, and Identity in Postcolonial Ghana"

Serena Dankwa's book describes the friendships and relationships of working class women in southern Ghana. Her work is based on in-depth research, storytelling and an intersectional analysis of the life stories of Ghanaian women. She gives…
screenshot blick.ch

/ Info

In den Medien: "Hunger, Aufstände, Flüchtlingswellen. Experten warnen vor indirekten Folgen des russischen Angriffs"

Till Förster im Sonntagsblick (10. April 2022)
cover page

/ Forschung

Publication: "Bodily ethnography: Some epistemological challenges of participation"

In this article, Till Förster explores the role of bodily interactions in ethnographic fieldwork and the related epistemological problems.

/ Info

In den Medien: "Nicht alles, was blöd ist, ist auch rassistisch"

Interview mit Elísio Macamo in der Basler Zeitung (25. März 2022)

/ Doktorat, Weitere

Short film: 'Restitute Objects - Ancestors Return'

For 'Restitute Objects - Ancestors Return', Felwine Sarr and Bénédicte Savoy entered into dialogue with the next generation. The task given to them was to narrate what they lived through on their journey to Benin on 9 and 10 November 2021…
video still, pharmacy in Lusaka, Zambia

/ Studium, Info

Interdisciplinary 5-Week MOOC: "Examining African Contributions to Global Health"

The history of science has largely been written from the perspective of the Global North. This has meant that the impact of the Global South has been neglected and undervalued. This five-week course will uncover the innovation and…
cover page

/ Info

Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 185: Politische Ikonen und Wegbereiter der Unabhängigkeit

Sie spielten eine essentielle Rolle für die Unabhängigkeit afrikanischer Staaten und ziehen über ihr Leben und ihr Land hinaus Menschen in ihren Bann. Das aktuelle Afrika-Bulletin geht der Frage nach, weshalb Figuren wie Amílcar Cabral,…
cover page

/ Forschung

Publication: Defining clinical trial quality from the perspective of resource-limited settings

This study co-authored by Peter van Eeuwijk suggests that clinical trial quality should be defined by a multidimensional concept that includes not only scientific and ethical, but also quality-promoting factors. From the perspective of…

/ Info

In den Medien: Putschversuch in Guinea-Bissau

Elísio Macamo in der Tageschau von SRF, 02.02.2022
Eingangsbereich ZASB, Rheinsprung 21

/ Studium, Organisation

We are looking for a student assistant (6 hours per week)

The Centre for African Studies Basel and the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Basel look for a student assistant (6 hours/week) as part of the research project "Reversing the Gaze: Towards Post-Comparative Area Studies"…