Eigene News

first page of article by sandra schlumpf

/ Forschung

Publication: African languages and Spanish among Equatoguineans in Madrid

Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr's article is based on semi-directed, sociolinguistic interviews with Equatoguineans of two ethnic groups: Bubi and Fang. The results show the importance of relating data to the contemporary as well as historical…
The Graduates of African Studies 09/2020

/ News, Studium

Herzliche Gratulation: MA-Abschlüsse und Promotionen im Frühjahrsemester 2020

An der Diplomfeier der Philosophisch-Historischen Fakultät konnten zahlreiche MA-Studierende und Doktorierende in den African Studies oder mit Afrika-Fokus ihr Diplom entgegennehmen. Wir gratulieren ganz herzlich!
Cover Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 179 09/2020

/ News

Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 179: Frauen in Bewegung

Frauenbewegungen in Afrika
Cover of the book Science and Technology Studies Elsewhere

/ Forschung

Publication: Science & Technology Studies Elsewhere. A Postcolonial Programme

In her book, Alexandra Hofmännner argues that new concepts and analytical approaches are necessary to investigate current global dynamics in science, technology and society, so as to deliver insights that the recent expansion of STS…
Cover of the thesis Multinational mines and communities of place

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Publication: Multinational Mines and Communities of Place: Revisiting the Stakeholder Dialogue Discourse in Geita, Tanzania

In his PhD thesis, Albert Tibaijuka demonstrates that analysis of the antagonistic relationship between multinational mines and communities, offers a productive way through which deeper understanding of corporate–community relations,…
Flood Levels and Borderlines

/ Forschung

Publication: Flood Levels and Borderlines – Livestock Farming and Evictions Resistance at the !Garib/Orange River in Southern Africa

In their contribution, Luregn Lenggenhager (ZASB) and Andrea Rosengarten (Northwestern University) analyse the relation between flood levels, borderlines and resistance to forced removals and evictions at the Orange River in South Africa.
Picture of Annelise Scherz

Reframing women in Namibia’s early history of photography

In an essay published in The Conversation, Lorena Rizzo reflects on women’s agency as photographic subjects. The article draws on her recent book Shades of Empire (Wits University Press 2020).
cover page

/ Forschung

Publication: Petty corruption in the public sector: A comparative study of three East African countries through a behavioural lens

This article makes a novel contribution to understanding petty corruption in East Africa. By providing evidence of behavioural drivers of petty corruption in Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda, the research could help in designing more effective…

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Call for Papers: Photographs as sources for writing histories of medicine, health and healing in colonial and postcolonial Africa

Workshop at the University of Basel (15-16 April 2021)
cover of african arts

/ Forschung

Publication: The Moving Parts in Michèle Magema's Body of Work

Lesley Nicole Braun discusses the fragmented images of women in Michèle Magema's work. The article considers the artist's practice and her explorations of local understandings of circulating femininity, power, and leadership.