Eigene News

cover photo SSAS newsletter 2020/2

/ Forschung

Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies

Pandemic, Corona virus, lockdown, home office, economic and social crisis - unsurprisingly, these keywords of the year 2020 also echo in the latest newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies.

Social norms and poor services drive petty corruption in East Africa’s health sector

In an article on "The Conversation", Saba Kassa, Claudia Baez Camargo and Jacopo Costa present their research on petty corruption in the health sector of Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. They focus on behavioural drivers, such as the role of…
screenshot session recording

/ Events

Swiss TPH Symposium: Reshaping Healthcare Supply Chains

At the virtual Swiss TPH Winter Symposium, experts from academia, public administration, international organisations and the private sector came together to discuss how to achieve universal access to high quality, affordable medicines and…

/ News

Publication: Anneliese and Ernst Rudolf Scherz’s ‘Ethnographic Object Collection’ from Namibia and Southern Africa

In this BAB working paper series, Lisa Roulet and Dag Henrichsen provide an introduction to the object collection of the Scherz archive at the Basler Afrika Bibliographien and document each object with regard to available historical context…
Stephen Kapinde

/ Forschung, Doktorat, People

Stephen Kapinde erhält Preis der Theologischen Fakultät

Ganz herzlich gratulieren wir Stephen Kapinde, der von der Theologischen Fakultät für seine Dissertation ausgezeichnet wurde. Er beschreibt darin die Entwicklung des Verhältnisses der Anglikanischen Kirche zum Staat am Fallbeispiel des…

In den Medien: «Andrea Gmür argumentiert rassistisch»

Lorena Rizzo in einem Artikel in kath.ch (21. November 2020)

In den Medien: Die Basler Mission – eine ambivalente Rolle

Veit Arlt in der Reihe Neue Augen auf die Stadt von Bajour – 14. November 2020
exhibition 'Usakos – Photographs Beyond Ruins'

/ Forschung, Events

***CANCELLED*** Call for papers: 6th African History Day - Reflecting on African History Produced in Switzerland

The 6th African History Day will take place in Zurich and/or via Zoom on 11 March 2021. The focus is on collaborations with African partners. The event is an opportunity for historians working on Africa in Basel, Zurich and beyond to…
hans buser talking

/ People

Passing of Hans Buser (1934-2020)

With deep regret we have to share the news that on Friday 6 November 2020, on the day before his 86th birthday, Hans Buser passed away. We will remember him as a great networker and story teller, always ready to share and assist.
screenshot the conversation

/ Forschung

How memes in the DRC allow people to laugh at those in power – and themselves

On "The Conversation" Lesley Nicole Brown and Ribio Nzeza Bunketi Buse look at the creation and circulation of memes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They claims that popular memes have become identified as contagious-like diseases,…