Eigene News

/ Forschung
Publication: "Human-animal entanglements in bushmeat trading in Sierra Leone: An ethnographic assessment of a potential zoonotic interface"
This article co-authored by Wahab Lawundeh provides an in-depth ethnographic account of two bushmeat markets in Bo, Sierra Leone. The authors found that inadequate infrastructure and sanitation facilities created risks of zoonotic disease…
6th Biennial AEGIS CRG African History Conference
From 20 to 21 June 2024, the University of Basel together with Basler Afrika Bibliographien will host the 6th Biennial AEGIS CRG African History Conference. Registration is open until 30 April 2024.
/ Forschung
Publication: "Maintaining a city against nature: climate adaptation in Beira"
In this article, Jon Schubert analyzes the case of Beira, a port city on Mozambique’s Indian Ocean coast, which was devastated by Tropical Cyclone Idai in March 2019. Ever since, a host of unequal international and national actors have been…
/ Info
Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 193: "Pragmatismus und/oder Ideologie?"
Erleben wir gerade eine Neuausrichtung afrikanischer Politik? Hinweise darauf sind durchaus vorhanden: Afrika verlangt von den Ländern des Nordens substantielle Kompensationen für die massiven Auswirkungen der Klimaerwärmung, die der…
/ News, Studium, Events
Call: 3rd European Students' Conference on African Studies
Are you a Master's student or recent graduate? Have you researched or worked on academic projects relating to Africa? Then, join the 3rdEuropean Students' Conference in African Studies at the University of Basel from the 29-30 August 2024!
Masterprogramm Afrikastudien: Anmeldeschluss 30. April 2024
Der interdisziplinäre Masterstudiengang Afrikastudien an der Universität Basel steht unter dem Leitgedanken "Studying Africa - understanding the world". Es geht uns nicht darum, Afrika-Expert:innen auszubilden sondern unsere Perspektive auf…
/ Forschung
Publication: "Operational Differences between Product Development Partnership, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials"
This article in the open access journal Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, co-authored by ZASB members Piet van Eeuwijk and Jürg Utzinger, compares the operational differences between pharmaceutical industry sponsored trials, product…
/ Studium
The Basel Mission and its Legacies: Ghanaian-Swiss teaching project
What’s God got to do with it? This was the question posed in the title of a preparatory seminar that Basel- and Ghana-based students took before participating in an excursion that interrogated the heritage and legacies of the Basel Mission…
/ Forschung
Publication: "The Reports of Theophilus Opoku: A 19th-Century Gold Coast Pastor"
Over 50 years Michelle Gilbert and Paul Jenkins have engaged with the reports of Revd Theophilus Opoku - a prolific writer and careful observer in the kingdom of Akuapem. This volume published in the Fontes Historiae Africanae series of the…