
Die folgenden Stellen werden von unseren Partnerinstitutionen oder anderen Organisationen ausgeschrieben. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an die in den Inseraten angegebenen Kontaktpersonen oder besuchen Sie die angegebenen Websites.

Job: Doctoral Researcher (f/m/d): Cross-border Mobility and Institutional Dynamics

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne, Germany

/ Studium, Campus

Job: Erschliessung der Archivbestände des Afrika-Komitees

Afrika-Komitee, Basel

/ Studium

Job: Internship on Hybrid Research Careers in Africa for Sustainable Development (60-70%)

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel

Job: Wissenschaftliche*n Koordinator*in 25% (w/m/d)

Africa Centre for Transregional Research (ACT), University of Freiburg i. Br.

Job: Assistant Professor of sub-Saharan African History

Clark University, Worcester (MA), USA

PhD position: Material religion in Africa

Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Job: Assistant Professor in African History

History Department of the University of North Carolina Wilmington

Job: Research Assistant (m/f/d)

Department of Sociology, Faculty of History, Art and Area Studies, University of Leipzig

Job: Junior Professorship/Endowed Professorship (W1) for Ethiopian Studies

Faculty of Humanities, University of Hamburg

/ Studium

Job: Hilfsassistenz (6-12 Std./Woche)

Departement Geschichte, Universität Basel/Projekt «African Contributions to Global Health»

Job: Professorship in African History (9 month contract)

University of Michigan, USA

Job: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende "Benin Digital"

Stiftung Museum am Rothenbaum, Hamburg

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Postdoc position: "Connecting Three Worlds: Socialism, Medicine and Global Health After World War II"

Department of History, Classics & Archaeology, Birkbeck University of London

Job: Lecturer in Francophone Black Studies

University of Edinburg

Job: Lecturer in African Literary and Cultural Studies

Rutgers University, USA

/ Forschung

Postdoctoral position: "History of Africa before 1800" (60%)

Department of History, University of Basel

/ Studium, Doktorat

4 PhD Positions in Geography and Sustainable Development

Institute of Geography, University of Bern

/ Forschung

Job: Associate or full professor of modern (19th and 20th century) African history

Department of History, Florida International University

/ Studium, Doktorat

Doctoral Position: Health discourses as moral communication? Linguistic case studies from Côte d'Ivoire and Cameroon

"Africa Multiple" Cluster of Excellence, University of Bayreuth

/ Forschung

Job: Junior Professor of Science & Technology Studies of the Global South

University of Bayreuth