
07 Jun 2018 - 08 Jun 2018

Rhypark | Mülhauserstrasse 17, 4056 Basel

Kongress / Tagung / Symposium, Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Conf: Internationale Konferenz zum Thema "engaging men and boys" und Konzert mit Dobet Gnahoré

Veranstaltung von IAMANEH & DEZA


Zum 40-Jahr-Jubiläum organisiert die Basler Entwicklungsorganisation IAMANEH Schweiz zusammen mit der DEZA am 7./8. Juni eine Konferenz in Basel zum Thema «Engaging Men and Boys». Die Arbeit mit Männern ist entscheidend, um die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter zu gewährleisten. Dieser Ansatz hat für die Frauen einen konkreten Beitrag zu einer verbesserte Gesundheit und einem Leben frei von Gewalt gebracht.

MEN MOVE! All over the world, important male initiatives question- ing gender stereotypes and embracing new masculinities are being launched. Men wish to become gender-equal partners, caring fathers and just members of society. Engaging and working with men and boys is essential for achieving gender equality. This
 approach has also produced tangible results in the promotion of
 sexual and reproductive health and rights, and the reduction of gender-based violence over recent years. Yet, men still need to move! Transforming gender roles must extend beyond personal relationships. For dominant power positions to shift and the structural patriarchy to be challenged, institutions, gov- ernments and their leaders and authorities must adopt gender transformative approaches that are directed at and embrace both women and men. The first conference on Engaging Men and Boys (EMB) in Switzerland represents an important milestone in the current discussion on EMB in gender and development, and has the following objectives:

  • To present the state of current international discussion, research and practical experience in EMB
  • To share best practices of gender-transformative approaches in different countries and regions
  • To stimulate critical discussions regarding societal and structural barriers for the effective application of EMB approaches
  • To provide an interdisciplinary and region-connecting platform for networking and the exchange of experiences, and the promotion of EMB approaches in the development community.

Further information: <link typo3 external-link-new-window external link in new>

Gleichzeitig findet am 8. Juni im Parterre One in Basel die IAMANEH-Geburtstagsfeier mit der Afro-Pop-Diva DOBET GNAHORE statt. Sie singt mit ihrer samtig-warmen Stimme über die Liebe, den Tod sowie die Ausbeutung von Frauen und Kinder in Afrika.


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