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/ Studium

Job: Hilfsassistent*in Zentrum für Afrikastudien Basel (6 Stunden/Woche)

Zentrum für Afrikastudien, Universität Basel

/ Forschung

Job: Assistant Professor of sub-Saharan African History

Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

/ Studium

Job: Mitarbeiter*in Projekte Junge Erwachsene (20-30%)

Mission 21, Basel

/ Studium, Doktorat

PhD position: "Gender, Migration and Social Mobility among West African women in Europe"

Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany

/ Studium

Praktikum: Ethnographische Sammlung (60-70%)

Bernisches Historisches Museum

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Job: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social Anthropology (60%)

Department of Social Sciences, University of Basel

/ Studium, Doktorat

4 PhD Positions: "Empires: Dynamic Change, Temporality and Post-​Imperial Orders"

University of Freiburg, Germany

/ Studium, Doktorat

2 PhD scholarships at the ZASB: "Sexuality, mobility and political economy in Africa"

Centre for African Studies, University of Basel

/ Forschung

PhD Position: "Unruly Spaces. Public Space, Society and Politics in Urban Africa"

Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva

/ Studium, Doktorat

PhD position: "The Global Papacy of Pius XII: Catholicism in a Divided World, 1945-1958"

Departement Zeitgeschichte, Universität Fribourg

/ Studium, Doktorat

Two PhD positions: "The Afterlives of Development Interventions in Eastern Africa"

Centre of International Studies (CEI), Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon

/ Doktorat

IHR Doctoral Fellowships

Royal Historical Society/Institute of Historical Research (IHR), University of London

/ Forschung

Job: Visiting Assistant Professor - African History

St. Lawrence University

/ Studium, Doktorat

Jobs: Two PhD positions, African Environmental History

University of Groningen

/ Doktorat

Job: PostDoc Researcher (70%), “Data Politics and New Regimes of Mobility and Control During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic”

University of Neuchâtel

/ Forschung

Job: Post-Doctoral Fellow in African Studies

SOAS, Department of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, UK

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Job: Postdoctoral Associate (African Studies)

Center for African Studies, University of Pittsburgh

/ Doktorat

Job: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bzw. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (w/m/d), "Globalgeschichte/Schwerpunkt Afrika"

Universität Hamburg

/ Forschung, Studium

Job: Wissenschaftliches Volontariat mit Spezialisierung Asien und Afrika (100%)

Museum der Kulturen Basel

/ Studium

Praktikum: Beratungsnetz für Rassismusopfer und Kommunikation (80%), Bern