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Neue Publikationen

Dealing with Elusive Futures

/ Forschung

Publication: Dealing with Elusive Futures - University Graduates in Urban Africa

The time to come – as well as the exploration thereof – remains elusive for social actors and social scientists alike. The contributors accept the challenge to depict young men and women's future-creating activities in urban contexts of…
Cities in Flux

/ Forschung

Publication: Cities in Flux - Metropolitan Spaces in South African Literary and Visual Texts

The essays in this volume all circle around questions of urbanisation in (post-)apartheid South Africa and its effects on the country's socio-political realities as well as its representation in, and effect on, the country's literary and…
The Taming of Fate

/ Forschung

Publication: The Taming of Fate - Approaching Risk from a Social Action Perspective

This book is about how extreme situations appearing to have a destructive potential can actually be used to produce meaningful individual and social lives. It is about the “taming of fate”. This notion means and accounts for the ability of…
The Politics of Governance

/ Forschung

Publication: The Politics of Governance - Actors and Articulations in Africa and Beyond

How do government arrangements emerge? When and how does individual agency turn into collective agency? How do sensory experiences of violence, instability, etc. affect the configuration of governance arrangements? When, why, and how are…
Bodies of Truth

/ Forschung

Publication: Bodies of Truth - Law, Memory, and Emancipation in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Bodies of Truth offers an intimate account of how apartheid victims deal with the long-term effects of violence, focusing on the intertwined themes of embodiment, injury, victimhood, and memory.
The Politics of Nature and Science in Southern Africa

/ Forschung

Publication: The Politics of Nature and Science in Southern Africa

This book brings together recent and ongoing empirical studies to examine two relational kinds of politics, namely, the politics of nature, i.e. how nature conservation projects are sites on which power relations play out, and the politics…
Usakos Photographs beyond Ruins

/ Forschung

Publication: Usakos – Photographs Beyond Ruins. The Old Location Albums 1920s–1960s

This full-colour exhibition catalogue of the exhibition Photographs Beyond Ruins focuses on a central Namibian town, Usakos. The town’s history is linked to the development of the South African railway system in Namibia.
Explorations in African History

/ Forschung

Publication: Explorations in African History - Reading Patrick Harries

This collection of essays documents the growth of African history as a discipline at the University of Basel since 2001. It thus pays tribute to fourteen years of research and teaching by Patrick Harries at the Department of History and the…